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SQL for beginners
Installing a database management system
Introduction to sql (1:56)
Installation of sql server and sql server management studio (4:28)
Structure of a database and creating a new script (2:14)
Building databases
Create a database (3:19)
Drop a database (2:21)
Create a table (4:11)
Print (2:04)
Creating a variable (2:50)
Numeric datatypes (9:51)
Approximate numerics (1:06)
Char and varchar (6:48)
Nvarchar and nchar (3:19)
Date and time (3:11)
Summary datatypes (1:05)
Managing data using SQL queries
Insert into (create rows) (7:28)
Insert into with column order (2:48)
Adding multiple entries at once (2:14)
Select only specific columns (3:43)
Where and like (5:53)
Not like, inequality, and (3:09)
Or (1:28)
Priority (2:32)
Operators and in (3:16)
Updating values (6:03)
Deleting (2:29)
Redundancy (4:38)
Dropping a table (1:19)
Unique constraints (10:18)
Not null constraints (4:45)
Primary keys (4:29)
Nvarchar and nchar
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